Hollywood Alternative Unused Concept

This was an unused – alternative design idea for the Hollywood title sequence, directed by Clemy Clarke.

Collaborated with fellow SCAD Alumni Chris Salvador we came up with this idea that would involve a basic casting process. It would consist of headshots of the main cast, as well as non cast members (so it’d be realistic). Throughout the episodes you would be able to switch photos out in case new people were cast for roles. 

To try and keep it on the humorous side, and because casting can be a long and lengthy process, we wanted to liven it up and have drawings on the headshots. as if the casting directors needed something to do during the audition. We also wanted to include notes about each of the actors auditions, and how they were doing, as well as any improvements they could make.

The ending shot would be of the Script, with all the scribbled on headshots laying around it. The title “Hollywood”  would then be highlighted.

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