Pan-Am Golden Ticket

I came up with an idea for Pan-Am Dental Lab to have a Golden Ticket. The idea was we would print about 10 or so tickets, and the back had all the information for the dentist to go online and enter a code so they could get a 10% discount, and would be eligible for a drawing. The person who won would win whatever my boss had chosen (new golf club, trip to the spa, AirPods, etc).

Eventually, the idea ended up changing, and my boss thought it would be fun to give everyone a ticket, so all of their customers had a chance to win something. We would stick everyones name in a raffle drum, and do a drawing every month for a year. If you followed us on social media, or tagged us in a photo with the ticket you would get bonus entries.

The idea behind the design for everything was based off of old Victorian type posters and Lettering Design. I wanted it to have an aged feel, but also have a clean look to it. Initially there would be one design, but in the end it came between these two designs.

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